Authors of accepted papers need to prepare the camera-ready version following Springer format. To download the Springer Word Template or LaTex Package, and Proceedings Guidelines for Authors, please click on the following:
To get the Proceedings Guidelines for Authors, click on Guidelines.
To get the Word Template, click on Word Template.
To get the LaTeX Package, click on LaTeX Package.
Please remember if you go with the LaTex Package, you need to insert the pdf version of your paper inside the package.
The links for the Camera-ready will also be emailed to authors of accepted papers. Authors should make sure the Track Name and the '*' are removed from their camera-ready paper. Please DO NOT number the pages.
The Program Chair who informs you that your paper is accepted will provide you with further information for submitting your camera-ready paper.
Authors of Poster Papers, who want their Poster papers published in the Proceedings book, should follow the same instructions above.