Submissions in pdf format must be uploaded to the Paper Evaluation site at Easy Chair. Papers should be 6-10 page long. Authors who do not have an Easy Chair account should create one first. Corresponding authors need to insert an ‘*’ after their names and insert the Track Name at the top of their submissions.
As the Proceedings will be published by the Springer book series: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNNS), it is recommended that you use Springer format and then convert it to pdf. Then you can submit it to Easy Chair. This will save you time when your paper is accepted,
and you need to follow the Springer format for the camera-ready paper within two weeks. The links are provided in the Camera-ready Paper section link.
Please make sure you follow the points below:
- At the Top Center of of the first page, write the title of paper on the first line, names of authors separated by commas on the second line. affiliations (department, university, country) of authors starting on the third line – one line per author’s affiliation, and authors’ emails separated by commas on the last line.
- If authors are from the same institution, only one line for affiliation is used for them.
- The Paper should have Abstract, and Keywords. Do NOT number Abstract and Keywords.
- Each paper must have at least (5) keywords.
- Use one column only to write your paper.
- Margins should be 1.0 inch all over (top, bottom, left, right).
- Use single space text with font size 10 or 12.
- Only MS word and LaTeX are allowed. For camera-ready version, docx+pdf or LaTeX+pdf must be submitted
- The number of pages should be 6-10.
- Do not leave unnecessary space just to satisfy the minimum of 7 pages
- No Dr/Professor/Mr/Miss before names.
- No page numbers and no header and footers.
- Corresponding author should have ‘*’ after her/his name. Only one corresponding author is allowed.
- No Biographies and Pictures of authors at the end of the paper.
- Sections should be numbered I. II. III... Subsections A, B, C, D... You can also use 1. 2. 3... and 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 ... for Subsections. When you refer to a section you use upper case, for example, as stated in Section II.
- A Table and a Figure CANNOT occupy more than one page.
- Figure titles should be directly under the figure and centered.
- Table titles should be directly above the table and centered.
- For References, it is suggested to use the following approach
T. Faulwasser, and R. Findeisen, “Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Constrained Output Path Following,” IEEE Transcation on Automation and Control, vol. 61, pp. 1026–1039, 2016.
M. W. Park, S. W. Lee, and W. Y. Han, “Development of Lateral Control System for Autonomous Vehicle Based on Adaptive Pure Pursuit Algorithm,” in Proc. the International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, Seoul, Korea, 2014, pp. 1443–1447.
Internet Reference:
M. Burgess, “When Does A Car Become Truly Autonomous? Levels of Self-Driving Technology Explained,” 2017,, [Retrieved: March 2020].
A. Kelly, “Mobile Robotics,” Cambridge University Press: New York, NY, USA, 2013.